Sunday, November 21, 2010

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Travis's "That's What's Up!" Reading Book Is Outstanding!

BREAKING NEWS! Travis Nelson's "That's What's Up!" reading book, Peak, by Roland Smith, declared best book in the class!...Well, not really, but I bet it's pretty close because Peak is a great book!  Here's a picture to help you get the idea of what Peak is all about:

What do you see here?  If you're not seeing a man scaling a building, you need help!

You need to read this book!  NOW!  No, seriously, I want you to go the library right now and check this out. 

Anyway, Peak is a great book in so many ways!  The main character, Peak, is adventurous and spontaneous - what a great combination!  Peak sounds like a lot of fun to be around!  One highlight of the story is when Peak attempts to scale a skyscraper.  I don't know about you, but I am definitely not insane enough to try something like that!  Teenagers should read this book!  I can guarantee that you can and will relate to this book and its characters in one way or another!  This is sort of a given, being that Peak, the main character, is a teenager himself.  You know Peak is an awesome book because it's being read by an awesome person!  (Not to beat my own drum or anything.) 

So go ahead... read Peak by Roland Smith!  You know you want to!

Image obtained from:

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding writing in your blogs! I really like your book advertisement and your "Welcome Back" blogs. You have an "an" in book advertisement blog when you only need an "a." Also, you need to add your Masque essay after O'Henry. Add it and show me, and then I will update your grade.
    90/100 A
